Life changing Advice of Hazrat Ali (r)

Life changing Advice of Hazrat Ali (r)

(1) Intelligent people first feel something with their heart, then comment on it. But fools comment first and then think about it.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(2) He who has no control over the sentence has nothing to gain in dignity.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(3) Never say what is not true, then people will think your truth is untrue (Hazrat Ali (R).

(4) To surrender to laziness means to be voluntarily deprived of one’s rights.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(5) No matter how great the danger, do not consider it eternal and never forget death.
(Hazrat Ali (RA)).

(6) Do not befriend a fool, he will try to benefit you but harm you.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(7) Do not be attracted to a person just by looking at his one behavior. Find out about his other behaviors as well.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(8) If you are kind to someone, keep it a secret. And if someone else is kind to you, spread it as much as you can.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(9) The main tool of the lowly person is obscene speech.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(10) The ideal of faith is to tell the truth even if one admits one’s own loss, not to try to say anything beyond the scope of knowledge, and to awaken the fear of God in one’s heart when criticizing others.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(11) He who thinks his decision is final, he is basically astray and he who is self-reliant with his knowledge, he will be removed from right path. (Hazrat Ali (R)).

(12) The level of excessive praise of someone is called flattery and the name of praising less than it deserves is called Hatred. So, praise him as much as he deserves, don’t do more or less.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(13) Do not expect gratitude from one who does not have wisdom.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(14) All are equal infron of Allah, great and small. He does not judge people by their status. Judging by their work.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(15) who could not control his anger They were not completed knowledge and intellect. Good ideals are the identity of the advanced clan.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(16) The relationship formed by kindness is much stronger than the relationship of kinship.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(17) Surviving evil is also a great achievement in life.
(Hazrat Ali (R).

(18) Do not seek the friendship of anyone except an intelligent and truthful person (Hazrat Ali (R).

👉🏼Prophet’s advice to married men

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